"Building confidence among forest certification schemes and their supporters"

Rome, February 19th/20th 2001

Presentation by

Joseph Crochet, President, CEPF

Bob Simpson, National Director, ATFS


Joint statement:
Viewpoint of

European Private Forest Owners

and the

American Tree Farm System


Mutual Recognition of Credible Forest Certification Schemes


Which requirements should certification schemes meet to be credible ?

·Constitutional character

· Respect of democratic values

· Respect for the regional diversity

· Voluntary, transparent,

· non-discriminatory

· Ensure freedom of choice


What are the broad principles, e.g. critical elements necessary, for collaboration ?

    Mutual respect and trust

    · Readiness for co-existence

    · Sharing of the same objectives

    · Recognition of the diversity of  opinion


    · Respect for democratic

    · parliamentarian institutions

    · Proper understanding of

    · public participation

    · Liberty of choice


    · Credibility of all partners

    · Utilization of prevailing

    · efficient structures

How should these broad principles be fulfilled in a certification scheme ?


    · On the standard setting

    · On accreditation

    · On the assessment

    · On the dispute settlement

    · On the chain of custody