Consumption of tropical timber by the major consumer countries, 1997

· Source: ITTO


Comparison of consuption of tropical timber between São Paulo and the main European importer countries, 1997

· Source: ITTO, Imazon for São Paulo


Exports vs. Domestic Consumption of Amazon Timber, 1997

· Sources: Imazon and ITTO

The Brazilian Buyers' Group of Certified Forest Products is part of the Global Forest and Trade Network, existing in 14 countries with about 1,000 member companies


The Buyers' Group exists since April, 2000 and is formed now by 56 member companies, from different sectors:


From the objectives of the Terms of Public Commitment, signed upon by all member companies:

· ...Supporting the independent and voluntary certification as well as contributing to the increase of the demand for certified products with environmental and social criteria, in particular through the principles and criteria of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)." "

Standards were already defined (only environmental)

· Business-led initiative, in particular by the Brazilian pulp and paper sector.

· So far, no forest was certified based on these standards

· Ongoing discussion on whether Cerflor should become a Brazilian certifyer accredited to FSC (same as in the SmartWood and Qualifor cases)