World Wild Fund for Nature - Global Forest Policy Project - Fern - Friends of the Earth - Falls Brook Centre - Robin Wood - Natural Resources Defense Council - Forest Peoples Programme - American Lands - Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

Forest Certification and Mutual Recognition: The Fundamentals

19 February 2001

The undersigned organizations are concerned about the wide disparities between different forest certification programs. Thus, we are concerned that a number of programs are prematurely considering broad "Mutual Recognition" arrangements without sufficient analysis of these disparities. "Mutual Recognition" must be a comprehensive, rigorous, technical task - not a political exercise. It must be based on equivalence, confidence, trust and credibility, and it must be acceptable to all stakeholders. With this in mind, we wish to set forward some basic elements which we believe to be central to the current international debate over "Mutual Recognition", and to building greater confidence and trust among certification programs and their supporters:

American Lands, US
Daniel Hall
Falls Brook Centre, Canada

Jean Arnold
Fern, UK

Saskia Ozinga
Forest Peoples Programme, UK

Tom Griffiths
Friends of the Earth, The Netherlands

Hilde Stroot
Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Matt Philips

Friends of the Earth, Netherlands

Hilde Stroot
Global Forest Policy Project, US

Bll Mankin
Natural Resources Defense Council, US

Kate Heaton
Rainforest Action Network

Randall Hayes
Robin Wood, Germany

Rudolf Fenner
Sierra Club, Canada

Charles Restino
Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Sweden

Jonas Rudberg
WWF, International

Chris Elliott
WWF Canada

Lorne Johnson