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Item No.Food and DescriptionFrench NameComposition in Terms of 100 Grams Edible Portion
Food EnergyMoistureProteinFatCarbohydrate, total (incl. fiber)FiberAshCalciumPhosphorusIronRetionalB-carotene EquivalentThiamineRiboflavinNiacinTryptophanAscorbic acidRefuse in as purchased
617.Germinating shoot                   
618.Young stems and leaves.                   
 Eggplant, garden; eggfruit; brinjal; aubergine (Solanum melongena)Aubergine                  
619.Raw 3290. 922
    (14)(13)(13) (13)(8)(10)(10)(10) (2)(3)(3)(2) (4)(8)
    65.3–93.6.7–1.6.1–1.0 tr.–2.2.5–.711–257–48.5–3.0 --.02–.06.04–.05-- 5–178–26
620.Dried 29611. 3.8           
    (1)(1)(1)   (1)          
621.Cooked. 7385.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
622.Leaves, raw 3886. 2.02543815.5      79 
    (3)(3)(3)  (3)(3)(2)(2)      (3) 
    85.9–87.23.7–5.1.3–.4  --162–43437–3915.0–16.0      36–165 
623.Eggplant, EthiopianAubergine                  
 (Solanum integrifolium), fruit, rawd'Ethiopie                  
 Eggplant, native (Solanum macrocarpon):Aubergine indigene                  
624.Fruit 4089.          
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)          
625.Leaves, raw 4285.        42
    (4)(4)(4) (2)(4)(4)(3)        (2)
    84.0–88.33.4–5.1.6–1.8 1.4–1.81.5–3.3211–54040–62        --
626.Leaves, dried                   
 Egusi. See Cucumeropsis, sp.                   
 Elephantgrass. See Napiergrass.                   
627.Endive; escarole(Cichorium endivia), leaves, rawEndive; chicorée; scarole2192.        
    (6)(6)(6) (6)(1)(6)(6)(5)        
    92.7–93.51.5–1.6.1–.2 .9–1.1 58–72----        
628.Enfenge; cabbage-treeCussonia                  
 (Cussonia spicata), leaves, dried                   
629.Erythrococca, sp. (Erythrococca bongensis), leaves rawErythrococca10668.07.22.718.54.33.6678 ?107         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 Escarole. See Endive.                   
630.Euadenia, spp. (Euadenia spp.), leaves, rawEuadenia7775.05.4.915.73.13.0420 ?40         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 False banana, leaves.                   
 See Abyssinian banana, leaves.                   
 False-sesame (Ceratotheca sesamoides), leaves:Ceratotheca                  
631.Raw 5481.04.2.511.02.33.3300863.2      28 
    (7)(7)(6) (4)(7)(7)(5)(3)      (1) 
    75.5–89.02.5–5.6.2–.9 1.7–2.91.6–5.898–83948–120.7–7.0        
632.Dried 25915.819.92.652.9 8.893533020.0        
    (2)(2)(2)  (2)(2)(1)(1)        
    15.6–15.919.0–20.8.8–4.4  7.6–10.1625–1,245          
633.Fameflower, potherb; waterleaf (Talinum triangulare), leaves, rawTalinum2590.  .08.18.3 31 
    (9)(8)(8) (6)(8)(6)(6)(4)  (1)(1)(1) (3) 
    84.7–93.31.3–3.7.1–.9 .5–1.81.2–3.354–14827–844.0–6.0      8–43 
634.Fennel, common(Foeniculum vulgare), rawFenouil                  
635.Fenugreek; abish helba (Trigonella foenumgraecum), leaves, rawFénugrec3587.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
636.Fig (Ficus gnaphalocarpa), leaves, rawFiguier5780.      35 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)      (1) 
637.Fikongo (Brachystelma spp.), tuber, rawFikongo                  
638.Fleurya, sp. (Fleurya aestuans; Urtica aestuans), leaves, raw.Fleurya5380.05.8.410.03.03.8440?1141.5        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
 Fungi, bracket (Polyporaceae spp.):                   
 See mushrooms also.                   
 Garden-sorrel (Rumex acetosa), leaves:Oseille commune                  
642.Cooked, fat added 7784.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
 Garlic (Allium sativum), bulbs:Ail                  
643.Raw 13163.      11 
    (4)(2)(3) (2)(2)(2)(2)(1)      (1) 
    59.5–66.85.0–5.4-- .6–1.31.2–1.321–45170–220         
645.Gemsbok-bean; gemsbuckbean (Bauhinia esculenta) leaves, rawBauhinia8273.       68 
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)       (2) 
    68.3–78.33.8–4.8-- 6.8–6.92.3–2.4435–43880–92       -- 
 Ginger, common (Zingiber officinale), root:Gingembre                  
 Dried. See Miscellaneous.                   
 Gingerbreadpalm. See                   
 Doumpalm, Egyptian.                   
647.Glyphaea, sp. (Glyphaea brevis), leaves, rawGlyphaea5183.83.1.311.54.21.323165         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 Goabean, Indies; winged bean; asparagus peaPois carré; pois ailé                  
 (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus):                   
648.Immature pods, raw 2592.           
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)           
649.Root 9175.42.8.620.31.5.9           
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)           
650.Goosefoot, lambsquarters; umbicane; pigweedAnsérine blanche                  
 (Chenopodium album), leaves, raw 6175.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 Gourd, bottle. See Calabash gourd.                   
 Gourd, club. See Calabash gourd.                   
 Gourd, wax, ash gourd; ash pumpkin. See Waxgourd, Chinese                   
651.Grape, European (VitisVigne                  
 (Vinifera), vine and leaves                   
 Grapehyacinth, tassel; onion, wild (Muscari comosum):Muscari à panache; “oignon                  
654.Grewia, spp. (Grewia spp. young leaves, rawGrewia                  
655.Groundcherry; cutleafAlkékenge                  
 (Physalis angulata), fruit, rawsauvage2789.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 Groundnut, leaves. See Peanut, leaves.                   
656.Guiera, sp. (Guiera senegalensis), leavesGuiera                  
657.Hackberry, African; African nettle-tree (Celtis integrifolia), leaves, driedCeltis25310.88.04.854.1 22.3 16619.7 ?        
    (1)(1)(1)  (1) (1)(1)        
 Haraz pods. See Whitethorn.                   
658.Hares lettuce (Sonchus spp.), leaves, rawLaiteron1893. 1,430 .13.8 tr. 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1) (1) (1)(1) (1) 
659.Heartseed, showy; balloon vine (Cardiospermum grandiflorum)Pois de coeur                  
 Helba greens. See                   
 Hibiscus, kenal; Deccan hemp; hemp mallow; sonkwe (Hibiscus cannabinus), leaves:Chanvre de Guinée; dâh                  
660.Raw 6779. ?1812.1?      75 
    (2)(2)(2) (1)(2)(2)(1)(1)      (1) 
    78.1–80.03.8–7.2.8–1.5  1.9–2.3476–492          
661.Dried 25817.821.01.354.9 5.01,03029616.0 ?        
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)        
662.Hilleria, sp. (Hilleria latifolia), leaves, rawHilleria4484. 3.0349 4.1      22 
    (3)(3)(3)  (3)(3) (3)      (3) 
    84.3–84.4----  2.9–3.0345–352 3.9–4.3      20–23 
663.Hogweed (Boerhavia diffusa; B. a dscendens), leaves, rawBoerhavia5282.04.5.510.32.22.7432 ?72         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 Horned-cucumber. See Cucurbit.                   
664.Horse-purslane, desertRotule-                  
 (Trianthema portula-castrum; T. pentandra), leaves, rawde-chameau; “pourpier”3187. 6, 30 
    (10)(10)(10) (10)(10)(10)(10)(8) (8)(8)(4)(8) (9) 
    76.1–89.33.2–6.5tr.–.5 .9–3.02.2–5.0115–55960–774.0–4.6 5,720–6,600.04–.05--.9–1.0 20–32 
 Horseradish-tree; drum-stick; never die; ben oiltree (Moringa oleifera; M. pterygosperma):Ben ailé; neverdaye; brède morongy                  
665.Leaves, raw 7873.98.2.614.72.12.657114911.4 11,920.22.772.6 182 
    (20)(20)(20) (18)(20)(20)(19)(18) (16)(16)(3)(16) (19) 
    71.2–74.77.3–9.7tr.–2.6 1.9–2.12.4–3.4520–878124–22211–18 ----.75–.81-- 160–187 
666.Leaves, dried 27210.322.72.654.7 9.71,814        10 
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)        (1) 
667.Flower, raw 4984. 460.06 1.4 248 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1) (1)(1) (1) (1) 
668.Hymenocardia, sp. (Hymenocardia acida), young shootsHymenocardia                  
 Indian spinach. See Vinespinach.                   
 Ipomoea, spp. (Ipomoea spp.), leaves, raw. See Sweetpotatoes, leaves.                   
 Ironwed. See Bitter-leaf.                   
 Ivygourd, India (Coccinia grandis; C. cordifolia):Moghadd                  
671.Jackbean, common; swordbean (Canavalia ensiformis), immature podsPois gogane; pois-sabre; haricotsabre3788.           
    (3)(3)(3) (3)(3)           
    87.8–89.51.8–2.8.2–.4 1.7–1.8.5–.7           
672.Jerusalem-artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), tuber, rawTopinambour6779.       35
    (4)(4)(4) (3)(2)(3)(3)(2)       (2)
    78.5–80.41.8–2.4.1–.2 .8–2.11.0–1.128–3479–93--       --
 Jews-mallow. See Jute, spp.                   
673.Jointfir (Gnetum buchholzianum), leaves, rawOkok (Cameroun)10369.86.01.321.65.51.3130545.6      100 
    (5)(5)(5) (1)(5)(2)(2)(4)      (4) 
    65.0–84.03.6–6.7.7–2.6  1.2–1.6102–15924–845.0–7.0      71–114 
674.Jujube, India (Zizyphus mauritiana), leavesJujube                  
 Jumpy-bean. See Lead-tree, white popinac.                   
675.Justicia, spp. (Justicia spp.), leaves, rawJusticia3386.         
    (2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)         
    86.6–87.13.0–3.6-- 1.4–2.03.0–3.8470–550--         
 Jute, spp.; jews-mallow;Jute;                  
 bush-okra (Corchorus olitorius and C. spp.), leaves:corète potagère; mauve                  
676.Rawdes Juifs5880.44.5.312.42.02.43601227.2 6,410.15.531.2 80 
    (25)(25)(25) (20)(25)(24)(22)(13) (11)(11)(5)(11) (21) 
    74.2–91.11.3–6.7tr.–1.6 .8–2.41.2–3.7132–94150–236.2–10.0 6,080–6,690.14–.16--1.1–1.4 45–100 
677.Dried 23920.219.01.650.1 9.11,5405258.0      2 
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)(1)(1)(1)      (1) 
678.Cooked 3492.       6
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)      (3) 
679.Cooked, lime added 1893.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
 Kaffir-melon, leaves. See Watermelon, leaves.                   
 Kaffir-orange, leaves.                   
 See Poisonnut, Kaleorange, leaves.                   
 Kale. See Collard,                   
680.Kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. (gongylodes), rawChou-rave2691.        
    (2)(2)(2)(2) (2)(2)(2)(2)        
    -------- --------        
 Kokodi. See Afraegle, sp., leaves.                   
 Ladies-finger. See Okra.                   
 Lambsquarters. See Goosefoot, lambsquarters.                   
681.Lannea, sp. (Lannea acida), leaves, rawLannea6979.03.4.416.22.21.018763         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
682.Lannea, sp. (Lannea microcarpa), leaves                   
683.Lead-tree, white popinac; Jumpy-bean (Leucaena leucocephala), Young leaves, rawLeucaena6879.52.9.815.31.81.555351         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
684.Lebeckia, sp. (Lebeckia sericea), leavesLebeckia                  
685.Leek (Allium porrum), rawPoireau4685.      11 
    (16)(15)(15) (15)(3)(15)(15)(14)      (3) 
    82.6–94.11.3–1.5.1–.2 .9–1.4.8–1.449–11726–80.7–1.8      -- 
686.Leptadenia, sp. (Leptadenia hastata; L. lancifolia), leaves, rawLeptadenia5481. 4,915.25.351.9 78 
    (22)(21)(21) (20)(22)(22)(21)(18) (18)(18)(7)(7) (21) 
    80.3–84.93.6–5.0.1–.2 3.1–5.11.7–2.8315–60453–1024.8–5.8 4,800–4,985.23–.26---- 42–85 
 Lerotho. See Spiderherb, African.                   
 Lettuce (Lactuca sativa), raw:Laitue                  
687.Headed  87.6    .8  1.0        
    (1)    (1)  (1)        
688.Unheaded 2093.      10 
    (18)(17)(17) (15)(6)(14)(14)(14)      (3) 
    82.3–94.8.9–1.3.1–1.6 .4–1.2.1–.825–3120–42.5–1.0      7–12 
689.Lettuce, wild (Launaea taraxacifolia; Lactuca taraxacifolia), rawLangue de vache4484.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
690.Limanda (Hibiscus acetosella), leaves, rawNgayngay (Congo)                  
 Loofah, angular. See Towelgourd; singkwa.                   
 Loofah, smooth. See Vegetable-sponge.                   
 Lotus, Hindu (Nelumbo nucifera):Lotus indien                  
691.Seed, raw (baladi beans). 6380.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
692.Seed, cooked 8578.04.03.812.32.01.9299.9        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
 Root. See Starchy Roots.                   
 Lotus, Egyptian, white (Nymphaea lotus):Nénuphar; lotus                  
693.Seed, immature, rawd'Egypte                  
694.Flower (receptacles) 4884.         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
695.Lupine, white (Lupinus termis; L.albus), immature seedsLupin blanc                  
 Maize; corn (Zea mays), yellow and white varieties:Mais                  
696.Immature ears, raw 15257.  .16.081.3  30
    (15)(15)(11) (9)(11)(2)(1)(2)  (10)(10)(9)  (1)
    37.1–77.13.2–7.51.2–3.9 .3–1.1.5–1.03–32 1.5–2.0  .12–.28.06–.13.9–2.3   
697.Tender interior stalk                   
 Malanga, yautia; tannia (Xanthosoma spp.):Macabo; yautia                  
698.Leaves, raw 3489. 3, 300    3717
    (5)(5)(4) (3)(5)(2)(1)(1) (1)    (1)(1)
    84.6–92.01.9–3.8.4–1.5 1.1–3.81.1–1.670–120          
699.Young shoots 3389.      82 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)      (1) 
700.Mallow, common or running (Malva rotundiflora), leaves, rawMauve6878.65.51.511.88.92.6           
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)           
701.Mallow, little or Egyptian (Malva parviflora), leaves, rawMauve d'Egypte3686.       65 
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)       (2) 
702.Marogo, a mixture of greens, beans, seeds, carrots, pumpkin and weeds, sun-dried (Bantu food)Marôgô2796.623.72.256.912.310.669220368.9 14, 355.28.596.9 49--
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1) (1) 
 Monkey-guava. See                   
 Persimmon, medlar.                   
 Msobo. See Nightshade, black.                   
 Musangui pods. See                   
 White-thorn, pods.                   
 Mushrooms (Agaricus spp.):Champignons                  
703.raw 32290.        
     (16)(16)(16) (9)(16)(1)(1)(1)       
    90.0–91.3--.2–1.0 .4–3.0.4–2.0           
704.Dried 26229.810.421.759.68.713.31741, 200         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
705.Cooked with peanut butter 126266.44.725.517.54.83.53196         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 See also Fungi and Strawmushroom                   
706.Muskmallow (Hibiscus abelmoschus), leaves, rawAmbrette; gombo musqué5482.04.1.710.82.52.432647         
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)         
 Muskmelon (CucumisMelon;                  
 Fruit. See Fruits                   
707.Leaves, raw 4185. 2.5           
    (1)(1)(1)  (1)           
708.Mustard greens, Indian (Brassica juncea), leaves and stemsde chouMoutarde à feuilles                  
709.Napiergrass; Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum), young shootsHerbe à eléphant; sissongho1693.      7 
    (3)(3)(3) (3)(3)(3)(3)(3)      (3) 
    93.2–94.02.0–3.6-- --1.4–1.510–1360–80.4–3.0      -- 
710.Nettle, dog;(Urtica urens), young shootsOrtie                  
711.New-Zealand-spinach (Tetragonia tetragoniodes T. expansa), rawTétragone; épinard de la Nouvelle-1992.91.4    1, 620      
  Zélande (1)(1) (1)(1)(1)    (1)      
 Nightshade, black; msobo; wonderberry (Solanum nigrum), leaves:Morelle noire                  
712.Raw 3887. 3, 660    20 
    (4)(4)(4) (3)(4)(4)(3)(1) (1)    (1) 
    83.0–89.03.5–5.5.5–1.3 1.0–1.51.6–2.6217–82441–95         
714.Cooked with peanut butter 12266.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
 Nightshade, EthiopianTomate                  
 (Solanum aethiopicum):amère                  
715.Leaves, raw 5182.14.8.310.32.82.552.3948.0 6, 400.23.441.8 67 
    (5)(5)(5) (5)(5)(5)(5)(3) (3)(3)(3)(3) (3) 
    80.9–85.03.1–5.3tr.–.5 1.9–2.52.3–3.2517–53781–99-- -------- -- 
716.Fruit 3290. 350.07.06.8 8 
    (13)(13)(13) (13)(13)(13)(13)(13) (13)(13)(13)(13) (14) 
    ------ ---------- -------- 8–10 
 Nightshade, Guinea; lumbush (Solanum nigrum var. nodiflorum):Morelle de Guinée; Brède                  
717.Leavesmorelle3987. 3,660    2427
    (4)(3)(2) (3)(3)(2)(1)(1) (1)    (2)(1)
    86.0–90.31.5–4.8.2–1.9 1.3–3.31.5–1.980–320        20–29 
719.Nsonyo (Cleome monophylla)Cleome                  
 Nyakasunika. See Rape, winter.                   
 Okra; ladies-fingerGombo;                  
 (Hibiscus esculentus):bonnet grec                  
720.Raw 3688. 4719
    (27)(27)(21) (23)(27)(20)(20)(18) (16)(16)(7)(16) (19)(1)
    85.7–90.21.1–3.0tr.–1.2 tr.–3.1.6–1.255–14254–1511.1–1.5 180–190.02–.05--.6–.7 20–126 
721.Cooked, fat added ? 5688.        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
722.Dried 28310.810. 55 ?.63.815.5 20 
    (12)(12)(12) (10)(12)(12)(9)(10) (1)(1)(1)(2) (7) 
    6.0–16.06.0–15.2.7–3.6 8.3–30.06.4–12.0650–940350–4049.0–34.0    -- 12–71 
723.Dried, powdered 28210.210.7.869.720.68.696839036.4 170.26.434.612310 
    (8)(6)(6) (6)(7)(7)(7)(7) (5)(2)(4)(4)(1)(3) 
    6.6–10.77.4–11.4.7–1.4 20.0–23.78.2–11.0880–1, 500330–40034.0–51.0 60–190tr.–.51.30–.824.3–5.5   
724.Dried, cooked 5684.02.21.610.41.11.88468.8        
    (1)(1)(1) (1)(1)(1)(1)(1)        
725.Raw. 5681.54.4.611.32.12.253270.7 385.252.80.2 59 
    (8)(8)(5) (3)(8)(8)(7)(3) (1)(1)(1)(1) (5) 
    75.3–92.42.8–5.6.3–1.0 1.9–2.41.2–2.6258–63540–127.2–1.1      9–75 
 Olive, common. See Fruits.                   
 Onion, garden, common (Allium cepa):Oginon                  

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