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The Food into Cities Collection focuses on FSD to urban areas in developing countries and countries in transition (DTCs), particularly:

The collection is available to all researchers and professionals, especially those in DTCs, as a means of making their writings better known with the objective of increasing appreciation of the challenges imposed by urban growth and urban poverty on urban food security.

The Food into Cities collection publishes: articles, monographs, theses, reports, comparative and case studies, sectoral reviews, proceedings and contributions from conferences, seminars and workshops. These publications are available on the Internet.

Previously published works may also be included. Calls for papers are issued for the preparation of special volumes. Texts in English, French and Spanish are accepted. Texts in other languages may be accepted only if provided with an extensive executive summary in English, French or Spanish. For more information, contact:

Editor, “Food into Cities” Collection
B-618 - AGSM
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: (+39) 06 5705 6850 or 5705 4961

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