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2. The Session was welcomed and opened by Mr Tom Billy, Chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and Administrator of the Food Safety and Inspection Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Mr Billy stressed the importance of Codex standards to producers, regulators and consumers worldwide to ensure the safety and wholesomeness of foods. He addressed the major priority areas to achieve progress in Codex: (1) Codex health and safety standards should continue to be based on sound science and risk analysis; (2) an appropriate level of financial and staffing support from the parent organizations, FAO and WHO, should be ensured; (3) participation by developing countries in Codex sessions should be increased and strengthened; (4) participation of non-governmental organizations should be strengthened and transparency should be increased by utilizing new communication technologies; and (5) efficiency and speed of the Codex process need to be improved. In closing his remarks, he commended the Committee for its achievements and encouraged the Committee to make timely progress and to carry out its work in an inclusive, transparent manner.

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