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126. The Chairperson of the ad hoc Working Group on Priorities, Dr J. Webber (Australia), introduced the report[25] and recommendations of the group.

127. All of the substances on the previous Priority List except for temephos had been evaluated by JECFA. This substance had been removed from the Priority List because there had been no indication that data would be provided on it.

128. A total of 21 veterinary drugs were proposed for inclusion in the Priority List by Australia, Egypt, Tanzania, and the United States in response to CL 1999/14-RVDF. In addition, Costa Rica proposed at the plenary session that amprolium, coumafos, monensin, oxytocin, and salinomycin be added. Among the drugs proposed, firm commitments for the submission of data had been made on only two substances, cefuroxime and pirlimycin. The Committee agreed to add these substances to the Priority List. The European Community had evaluated 14 of the proposed substances. The European Commission agreed to work with JECFA and COMISA to explore the possibility of obtaining approval from sponsors for the European Commission to send their dossiers to JECFA by June 2001 for evaluation. Alternatively, the sponsors could submit their dossiers directly to JECFA. While the dossiers that would be provided by the European Commission would be of great value, the Committee recognized that additional data might be required to fully assess the worldwide use of these veterinary drugs. The Committee agreed to place these substances on the Priority List tentatively.

129. The Delegation of Portugal, speaking on behalf of the member states of the European Union, noted that few commitments for submission of data had been made, and suggested that a more directed approach be taken to obtain such commitments, which might include the identification of relevant MRLs in member countries for veterinary drugs that were not yet in the Codex system and for which sponsors might be easily identified.

130. The Observer from COMISA pointed to the need for earlier submission of proposals so that companies can be canvassed before the session to identify those that would be able to provide the necessary data for an evaluation by JECFA.

131. Appendix VIII to the Report contains the Priority List of veterinary drugs including those tentatively placed on it. An annex to Appendix VIII lists for information the veterinary drugs on which sponsors would be sought before the 13th Session of the Committee.

132. The Committee thanked the Working Group and its Chairperson for its work and agreed to convene the ad hoc Working Group at its next session under the chairmanship of Australia.

[24] CX/RVDF 00/13 (containing proposals from Australia); CRD 9 (proposals from Tanzania and the United States); CRD 12 (a proposal from Egypt).
[25] Report of the ad hoc Working Group on Priorities (CRD 2).

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