FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/00 - EL SALVADOR (2 June)


Planting of the 2000/01 first season cereal and bean crops has started with the arrival of the first rains from mid April. Above-normal rains have been reported, particularly in southern and central areas. Intended plantings of maize, the main cereal, should be close to last year’s average level, while the area planted to sorghum should be slightly higher than the level reached in the previous year. Plantings of beans are also expected to be similar to 1999/2000. A series of measures have been officially adopted for the benefit of the agriculture sector. These include improvements to be made to the inland infrastructure, enlargement of credit facilities to small rural enterprises and the establishment of a watershed rehabilitation programme in the Department of San Miguel in the south-east. Food assistance from the international community is still being distributed as a component of various reconstruction projects (food for work), following hurricane “Mitch” at the end of 1998.

Wheat and maize imports in 2000/01 marketing year (August/July) should remain close to the previous year’s levels of 180 000 tonnes and 175 000 tonnes respectively. Rice imports in 2001 (January/December) are expected to be about 20 000 tonnes, similar to the last two years.

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