FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/00 - MEXICO (2 June)

MEXICO (2 June)

Harvesting of the 2000 irrigated wheat crop, particularly in the northwest main growing areas, is complete. Production is provisionally estimated at some 3.2 million tonnes, compared to the average of 3.4 million tonnes in the last five years. This reflects adverse weather at sowing and a prolonged dry spell which sharply reduced water reservoirs and thus contributed to below-normal plantings. The drought continues to prevail in the northern areas, although normal to above normal rains have been reported in the north and south eastern parts. Despite 14 states officially declared as disaster areas, and forest fires reported in some of these states, official reports indicate no substantial damage to crops and livestock. The recent rains restored soil moisture, principally in the large maize producing southern belt areas, where planting of the important spring/summer crop is underway. Sorghum production this year is also expected to be average to slightly above average, as the important spring/summer crop grown in the large producing central state of Guanajato was not affected by the drought and the recent above-normal rains in the state of Tamaulipas, the other main sorghum producing state, have helped restore moisture to the soil for planting of the next fall/winter crop.

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