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The Twenty-second Session of the Codex Committee on Nutrition and Foods for Special Dietary Uses reached the following conclusions:


The Committee:

  • Recommended the adoption at Step 8 the Draft Table of Conditions for Nutrient Contents (Part B) containing provisions on Protein and Vitamins and Minerals for inclusion into the Guidelines for Use of Nutrition Claims (para. 19 and Appendix II).


The Committee:

  • Recognized that there was no consensus either on levels or on the method of determination of gluten at this time, therefore decided to keep the current Draft Revised Standard for Gluten-Free Foods at Step 7 and to seek the Commission's advice on how to deal with this issue (paras 28-35);
  • Recognized that it was not possible to reach consensus on the fundamental issue of Scope of the Proposed Draft Revised Standard for Processed Cereal-Based Foods for Infants and Young Children at this stage and that it would not be possible to make further progress on the revision at the current session. The Committee therefore agreed to retain the Proposed Draft Revised Standard at Step 4 for further consideration at the next session and ask the Commission how to proceed with this issue (paras 88-102);
  • Agreed to discontinue work on Provisions for Fortification of Iodine, Iron and Vitamin A in the Guidelines for Use of Nutrition Claims as the Codex texts such as Guidelines for the Addition of Essential Nutrients to Foods provided adequate guidance to countries in establishing fortification programmes, and to inform the Commission accordingly (paras 126-127).


  • Returned the Draft Table of Conditions for Nutrient Contents (Part B) containing provisions on Dietary Fibre to Step 6 for further comments and consideration by the next session of the Committee (paras 20-27 and Appendix III);
  • Returned the Proposed Draft Guidelines on Vitamin and Mineral Supplements to Step 3 for further comments and consideration (paras 36-57 and Appendix IV);
  • Returned the Proposed Draft Standard for Infant Formula to Step 3 for further comments and consideration (paras 58-87 and Appendix V);
  • Agreed that the document on criteria of addition and deletion of vitamins and minerals should be developed for consideration of provisions for Vitamins and Minerals in Foods for Special Medical Uses and that Member Governments would be asked for additional information (paras 108-115);
  • Agreed to ask information from Member Governments on:

  • National practices of assignment of energy factors to food components, fats and sugars and derivation of energy factors to food ingredients (paras 121-125)
  • Experience with risk assessment for nutrition issues at the national level, including methodology and principles (paras128-131); and
  • Sports foods and drinks as foods for special dietary uses and the claim for "high energy", as well as the distinction between "energy drinks" and "sports drinks" in order to discuss those questions further and decide how to proceed further (paras 139-143).

  • Replied to the Codex Committee on General Principles regarding the use of Other Legitimate Factors by the Committee (paras 132-135);
  • Agreed to inform the Committee on Food Labelling that there was an agreement in principle on the possibility and opportunity of developing criteria on the scientific basis of health claims and that the Committee was prepared to proceed with this work when the definition of health claims had been further developed (paras 116-120).

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