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108. While introducing the document CX/NFSDU 00/9 the Delegation of Germany highlighted the changes made on the basis of decisions of the last Session of the Committee, and drew attention to remaining problems such as the lack of consensus on the introduction of requirements for energy, protein, fat and carbohydrates; clarification was requested regarding the addition of other nutrients in Annexes, the limits of the ranges and the methodology on which the upper levels could be established. The Delegation pointed out that before considering the content of the Tables a decision should be made as to future status of the document; and whether a Standard or Guidelines should be developed.

109. The Committee recalled that its mandate was to develop documents for foods and substances for medical purposes were outside its Terms of Reference.

110. The Representative of FAO drew attention of the Committee to the fact that minimum levels for some nutrients such as niacin, biotin and selenium were higher than RNI levels provided by the Bangkok Consultation.

111. The Delegation of the USA questioned the necessity for such a document and raised concern regarding the broad range of age for which the levels of nutrient were set as well as on conditions of the procedure. The Delegation was of the opinion that maximum levels of nutrients could not be provided unless they were based on risk assessment relative to the intended use of these products. Instead of specific values, the delegation supported the development of guidelines for how manufacturers should make decisions based on intended uses.

112. The Delegation of the United Kingdom expressed their concern regarding the purpose of the document and suggested to limit the development of the document to general principles that might be valuable for manufacturers but not to develop a standard for the nutrient limits.

113. Some delegations and the Observer of ISDI indicated that those products were on the market therefore the development of general guidance would be useful.

114. The Observer of the EC informed the Committee that the legislation of the Community included a list and ranges of nutrient levels and if the Committee decided to proceed further consideration should be given to deviations from the specified quantities and the reasoning for such deviations should be given.

115. The Committee agreed that the document on general principles should be developed for vitamins and minerals and that Member Governments would be requested by means of Circular letter to provide information on criteria applied in their countries for the selection of vitamins and minerals and the determination of the amounts which were chosen. The data should be directed to the Delegation of Germany who should prepare a document for consideration by the next session of the Committee.

[16] CXNFSDU 00/9; CRD 9 (comments of Canada, Mexico, Thailand, Uruguay); CRD 21 (comments of USA).

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