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2. Background

Risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods has been identified as a priority area of work for the CAC. In 1999, FAO and WHO convened an expert consultation in Geneva, addressing for the first time the issue of risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods. The consultation developed an international strategy and identified mechanisms required to support risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods. As a follow-up to that consultation and in response to the request of the CCFH, FAO and WHO have jointly embarked on a programme of activities with the objective of providing expert advice on risk assessment of microbiological hazards in foods to their Member Countries and to the CAC (see Annex 2).

Dr. Jorgen Schlundt, Coordinator, WHO Food Safety Programme, outlined the background for the development of the food safety risk analysis framework and the evolution of international microbiological risk assessments through FAO, WHO and Codex initiatives over the last decade. He emphasised that the present expert consultation represents the initiation of the international work on microbiological risk assessment of specific pathogen/commodity combinations as suggested by the 32nd session of the CCFH and is important for FAO and WHO Member Countries and the CAC. Furthermore Dr. Schlundt stressed that this initiative may be considered as a cornerstone for future food safety improvements, both at the national and the international level.

Ms. Maria de Lourdes Costarrica, Senior Officer, Food Quality Liaison Group, FAO informed the expert consultation that the purpose of this meeting was to provide expert advice and guidance to FAO and WHO Member Countries based on an evaluation of the available information on risk assessment of three pathogen-commodity combinations; Salmonella spp. in [1]broilers; Salmonella Enteritidis in eggs and Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. Temporary expert drafting groups were jointly established by FAO and WHO to examine this information and prepared technical papers that were presented to the consultation for review and discussion. In addition to these, draft guidelines for hazard characterization of pathogens in food and water prepared during a WHO/FAO/RIVM Workshop on this subject held in Bilthoven, the Netherlands on 13 - 17 June 2000 were also presented for consideration by the expert consultation (Annex 3).

[1] Broilers: young chickens that are reared specifically for the poultry processing industry

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