Crop development is satisfactory reflecting generally widespread and adequate rains. Following abundant rains in late July, precipitation remained generally widespread and above normal in August. Substantial rains were registered in late August in Assaba and Gorgol. Following these good rains, crops are developing satisfactorily. Late plantings or replantings lasted up to mid/late August.

Pastures are adequate countrywide. Grasshopper attacks have been reported in Brakna and Gorgol. A total of 878 hectares have been treated against grain eating birds, notably in Trarza. Low numbers of Desert Locusts were present during August in southern Brakna, Trarza and the two Hodhs. Small scale breeding is in progress in Brakna and will continue in the other areas. There may be a slight shift of populations towards the west when vegetation starts to dry.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)

Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.



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