FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - ANGOLA* (6 November)

ANGOLA* (6 November)

Planting of maize is well advanced while that of sorghum and millet has started. Above-average rains in the second and third dekad of October in the main central cereal growing areas improved soil moisture for planting and benefited early- sowed crops. However, more rains are needed in northern parts, where precipitation in the past months has been erratic.

The persistent civil conflict and increasing movement of populations continues to disrupt agricultural activities. The number of internally displaced, estimated by the end of June at 2.5 million, has increased in recent weeks with the growing insecurity, particularly in Moxico, Bie and Malange provinces. Malnutrition is reported to be on the increase in the town of Kuito which has received 8 740 IDPs only in the month of October.

The 2000 cereal production was estimated at 504 000 tonnes, a decline of 6 percent from the previous year mainly as a result of insecurity and irregular rains during the growing season. Cereal import requirements in marketing 2001 (April/March) have increased to 753 000 tonnes, including 333 000 tonnes of emergency food aid. Pledges as of early November amounted to 154 400 tonnes, of which 53 000 tonnes had been delivered.

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