FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - ARGENTINA (6 November)

ARGENTINA (6 November)

Light to moderate recent rains in the main wheat producing central areas, particularly in the south of Buenos Aires province, benefited the developing 2000/01 crop which is about to be harvested. Although some rain is still needed in the north, however, early production forecasts indicate that output should be about an above-average 14.5 million tonnes. provided favourable weather conditions persist. Planting of the 2000/01 maize crop continues although some delay is being reported due to heavy rains in some parts, particularly in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Cordoba. By late mid- October, about 43 per cent of intended plantings had been sown which compares to 54 per cent by the same time the year before. Planting of the 2000/01 paddy crop started in early October in the northern areas where moderate to abundant rains are recently reported.

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