FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - BURKINA FASO (6 November)

BURKINA FASO (6 November)

Following generally adequate rains since the start of the rainy season, below-normal rainfall in August over the eastern half of the country affected crop development. Cumulative rainfall is below average except in the west and the south-west. These dry conditions significantly reduced yield potential, notably in the centre and the east. Pastures remain generally adequate countrywide. No significant pest activity is reported.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission in mid-October estimated the 2000 cereal production at 2 286 200 tonnes, which is 15 percent below 1999 level and 6 percent below the last five years average. The overall food supply situation is likely to tighten in some areas, notably in the centre and the east where cereal production decreased significantly. However, farmers stocks are generally well replenished following 1999 record crop.

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