FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - BRAZIL (6 November)

BRAZIL (6 November)

Harvesting of the 2000 wheat crop continues in the large growing southern states. The crop has been severely affected, particularly in the main producing state of Parana, where a sharp decline from average production is reported due to extremely adverse weather at planting and development, including severe frosts in July. Harvesting has only started in the second largest producing state of Rio Grande do Sul and prospects are also poor, as a result of the persistent bad weather conditions which have made conditions liable to fungal disease. Wheat output is tentatively forecast at a low 1.9 million tonnes. Imports in marketing year 2000/01 (October/September) are expected to increase considerably to compensate for the loss in production. Planting of the 2000/01 maize crop continues in the southern states while it has only started in the central producing state of Mato Grosso and central-southern Mato Grosso do Sul, where light to moderate rains have favoured an early planting. The area planted to maize is expected to be closely similar to the previous year�s average plantings.

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