FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - EGYPT (7 November)

EGYPT (7 November)

Planting is underway under favourable conditions for the mostly irrigated winter crops. The 2000 cereal production is estimated at about 19.9 million tonnes, some 3 percent over last year’s above-average crop. The wheat crop is estimated at about 6.6 million tonnes, up 3 percent over the 1999 harvest while coarse grain production is estimated at 7.4 million tonnes compared to 7.2 million tonnes last year. The 2000 paddy harvest is anticipated to reach 5.9 million tonnes, slightly over last year’s outcome, which was above average.

Imports of wheat in 2000/01 (July/June) are forecast at 6.8 million tonnes and coarse grains, mostly maize, at 4.2 million tonnes.

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