FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - ETHIOPIA* (6 November)

ETHIOPIA* (6 November)

Good rains in September and October in several parts of the country have helped maturing crops in important cereal producing areas of central, northern and western parts of the country. However, cereal production in eastern and southern parts has been affected by continued drought conditions. The 2000 secondary “Belg" crop, normally harvested from June, has also failed due to drought. Although Belg production accounts for only 8 to 10 percent of total cereal production, it is important in several areas where it provides the bulk of annual food supplies. An FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission is planned to visit the country from mid- November to assess the "Meher" production and estimate food assistance requirements in 2001.

With the failure of the Belg season, the number of people in need of assistance has increased to more than 10 million people, including 400 000 displaced by the border war with Eritrea. Consequently, the overall food aid requirement in 2000 estimated earlier at 836 000 tonnes has been revised upwards to 1.2 million tonnes. Total pledges by mid-November amounted to 1.32 million tonnes of which 794 000 tonnes have been delivered.

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