FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - GUINEA (6 November)

GUINEA (6 November)

The evolution of the rainy season has been somewhat irregular this year. Abundant rains in early and mid-July were followed by more limited rains up to mid-August. Precipitation became particularly abundant countrywide during the last dekad of August, decreased in early September, notably in the east, and improved in mid-September. Again in October, rains were well below average in early October and became very strong in mid or late October. Coarse grains are generally developing satisfactorily although flooding may have occurred in some areas.

Reflecting good harvest prospects and following a record crop in 1999, the overall food supply situation is satisfactory. Markets are well supplied both in urban and rural areas. However, recent rebel incursions in Guinea from Sierra Leone have severely affected agriculture and marketing activities, notably in the Guinea Foresti�re region. More than 400 000 refugees from Liberia and Sierra Leone remain in the country, located mainly in Gueck�dou, For�cariah and N'Z�r�kore areas. They are receiving food assistance and are considered at moderate nutritional risk. Six sites for new camps have been proposed to shelter some 125 000 vulnerable refugees from Sierra Leone and Liberia camped in border areas.

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