FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - HAITI* (6 November)

HAITI* (6 November)

Planting of the 2000/01 second season sorghum crop has been recently completed while harvesting of the 2000 second season paddy crop is about to start. Despite improvements in weather conditions, the outlook is poor for the year as crops were severely affected by a prolonged dry spell during planting and throughout the developing period in the first part of the year. Aggregate maize output is provisionally estimated at a low 150 000 tonnes while sorghum is tentatively forecast at a below-average 60 000 to 65 000 tonnes. Production from the irrigated paddy crop, the bulk of domestic production, is also expected to decline from last year as reservoir levels in the main producing area of the Artibonite were reported at below-average levels throughout the year because of the drought. Food assistance from the international community continues to be distributed through development projects to some sectors of the population.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2000/01 (June/July) are expected to be about 330 000 tonnes, similar to the previous year. Commercial maize imports are tentatively forecast to increase from 70 000 tonnes to some 95 000 tonnes. Rice imports in 2001 (January/December) are tentatively forecast at 170 000 tonnes. Food aid pledges amount to 67 000 tonnes, of which 16 000 have been delivered.

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