FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - KENYA (3 November)

KENYA (3 November)

Harvesting of the 2000 main "long rains" cereal crops is complete in the main growing areas of the Rift Valley. The main rainy season (March-May), which normally accounts for 80 percent of total annual food production, has largely failed due to a severe drought. As a result, the country will need to import an estimated 1.4 million tonnes of cereals in 2000/01 marketing year (October-September) to maintain normal consumption requirements. Nearly 3.3 million people, mostly pastoralists in the northern and eastern parts of the country, need emergency food assistance. The severe scarcity of water and pasture has resulted in the loss of large numbers of their livestock. With limited foreign exchange resources, the country needs substantial international assistance to cope with the emergency.

Prospects for the 2000/01 "short rains" cereal crops in the bi-modal areas of the Western, Central and Eastern provinces, for harvest in February/March, are uncertain despite some recent good rains.

In June 2000 UN agencies appealed for US $146 million to assist Kenya. The response has been favourable, but more is needed.

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