FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - KYRGYZ REPUBLIC (6 November)


Contrary to earlier indications, official reports are casting doubt on the achievement of the grain production targets as drought has affected crops on 89 000 hectares and heavy rains and snowfalls in late September/early October have interrupted harvesting. By 13 Oct some 1.5 million tonnes of grain had been harvested, reportedly 23 000 tonnes more than at the corresponding time last year. Satellite imagery confirms that the country has suffered less than neighbouring countries from the ongoing drought, but in the two southern oblasts, Djalalabad and Osh, crop intensity is less than last year. The major wheat harvest, which was harvested in July may not have been affected, but the yield of spring crops: maize, vegetables, potatoes etc could be lower than last year, notably in these densely populated oblasts, where the agricultural surpluses are less than in the northern areas.

FAO tentatively forecasts the grain harvest to remain at 1.63 million tonnes, somewhat below target (1.7 million tonnes). The overall food supply situation is expected to remain satisfactory but a large part of the population is very poor. Cereal exports to neighbouring Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in the past have been considerable, but have declined in recent moths. The country also imports wheat in part due to the demand for quality wheat, to supplement the State Security Reserve (via food aid deliveries), and to poor internal communications.

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