FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - MEXICO (6 November)

MEXICO (6 November)

Planting of the 2000/01 irrigated wheat crop has only started in the northwest main growing areas. Water reservoir levels are considered adequate following recent storms rains and accumulated moisture from previous rainfall. Harvesting of the main 2000 maize crop (spring/summer plantings) has only started. under generally dry weather. The crops in the important maize growing areas of the central and southern belts were spared of the negative impact of the various storm rains in the last weeks and about 15.3 million tonnes are tentatively forecast. Aggregate output in 2000 (fall/winter and spring/summer crops) should be about an average 18.5 million tonnes. The outlook is also good for the sorghum crop which has benefited from Hurricane "Keith" tail-end rains particularly in the north-eastern provinces Overall, some 6.3 million tonnes of sorghum are expected to be gathered which compares to the last 5-year average of 5.9 million tonnes. No significant damage to other crops is reported.

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