FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - NAMIBIA (6 November)

NAMIBIA (6 November)

Normal to above-normal rains in the third dekad of October in eastern and northern parts favoured land preparation for planting of the 2001 coarse grain crops and benefited pastures conditions.

Harvest of the 2000 irrigated wheat is almost completed. The output is preliminary estimated at 4 000 tonnes, against 5 000 tonnes last year, as a result of a reduction in the area planted. By contrast, the 2000 coarse grain production increased sharply to 136 000 tonnes, comparing with a reduced level of 70 000 tonnes last year, reflecting abundant rains during the growing season. As a result of the 2000 bumper cereal crop, the food supply situation is satisfactory. Cereal import requirements in marketing year 2001 are estimated to be lower than last year at 60 000 tonnes of maize and 50 000 tonnes of wheat. These requirements are anticipated to be covered commercially.

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