FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - SWAZILAND (8 November)

SWAZILAND (8 November)

Good rains in October provided adequate soil moisture for planting of the 2001 coarse grains crops, mainly maize, which is well advanced. Early prospects are favourable.

A late start of the rainy season, followed by excessive precipitation, resulted in a sharply reduced 2000 maize production. Latest estimated put the output at 72 000 tonnes, 36 percent lower than the previous year's level and below average. Import requirements of maize in marketing year 2000/01 increased substantially to 40 000 tonnes. In addition, the country has a structural deficit of 40 000 tonnes of wheat and minor quantities of rice. These requirements are expected to be covered on commercial basis. The overall food supply situation is expected to remain satisfactory in 2001. However, it is estimated that 14 000 people who gathered a reduced crop this year are in need of emergency food assistance until the next harvest.

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