FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 11/00 - ZAMBIA (6 November)

ZAMBIA (6 November)

Harvesting of the minor wheat crop is under way. Latest forecast indicate an output of 90 000 tonnes, unchanged from last year's good level.

Rains in the third dekad of October, which were above average in central parts, favoured planting of the 2001 maize crop, and benefited early-sowed crops.

Reflecting abundant rains during the growing season, and despite severe localized floods, the 2000 cereal production increased 43 percent from last year to 1.5 million tonnes. The main maize crop is estimated at an above-average level of 1.3 million tonnes, which entirely covers domestic requirements. Following three years of reduced harvests and high import requirements, no imports of maize are expected in marketing year 2001 (May/April).

As a result of the bumper 2000 cereal harvest, the overall food supply is satisfactory. Markets are well supplied. Prices of maize and have declined since May and are below both the last year and average levels.

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