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AA:VV. "An 'Express Path' to biomass use for sustainable regional development: driving forces and barriers for technology diffusion in Denmark, Austria and Greece"

ADEME. "Wood-fuel for heating Systems" European catalogue, DGXVII.

ADEME, "Biomass Research and Development Strategies", June 1996.

AEBIOM, "Biomass news" Newsletter no. 6, January 1998.

AFB NETT Phase I Final Reports 1995.

AFB NETT Phase II and BIOGUIDE I, Final Reports 1996.

AFB NETT III and BIOGUIDE II, Final Reports, December 1997.

AFB NETT Phase IV, Final Reports, 18th January 1999.

ALTENER, "Renewable Energy Sources in Finland", Newsletter n°5, Nov. 1995.

Austria, National Strategy, AFB-nett Phase II, Dec. '96.

Brändli Urs Beat "Swiss forests and their potential for energy wood on the basis of data from the National Forest Inventory".

CIEMAT, AFB-NETT Phase IV, "Interest of Spain in collaborating activities and biomass", Report for meeting in Brussels, January 1999.

DGXVII "Wood Fuel Technologies and Development", Newsletter no. 3, May 1998.

"District heating and CHP generation from Biomass", Tallin (Estonia), 21-23 March.

Energy Centre Bratislava "DH in Slovakia: sectoral profile", Dec. 1998.

FAO Forestry Department, "Wood energy today for tomorrow" the role of wood energy in Europe and OECD, March 1997.

FAO Forestry Department "Forests, Fuels and the Future", Forestry topic Report no.5.

FINBIO, "Bioenergy in Finland" Review no.6, June 1998.

IEA "The Evolving Renewable Energy market".

IEA Bioenergy Annual Report 1998.

ITABIA "Guide on how to grow SRF to produce energy in an Environmentally sustainable manner" Final Report of the ELG, 1999.

ITABIA, AFB NETT Agricultural and Forestry Biomass, Phase I, Final Report from the Italian Team, Rome, September 1995.

ITABIA, Meeting on Biomass Policy, Brussels, 18th January 1999.

Keel A. "Wood energy in Switzerland: recent developments and issues".

NF 2000 Network news, May 1999.

NOVEM AFB NETT Phase III "Summary of achievements in the Netherlands" National co-ordinates Report.

NOVEM, European Financial Guide Renewable Energy focus on Biomass, 1998.

Parliamentary EC in Sweden "The restructuring and developing of the energy system", 1995.

"Perennial crops for energy in Greece".

PYNE, Pyrolysis Network for Europe Newsletter March 1997.

Slovenian Biomass Association, "Biomass for Slovenia" General information.

Sweden's Second National Communication on Climate Change.

Swedish National Energy Administration "Energy in Sweden 1998".

TEKES Technology Development Centre "Growing power, Bioenergy technology from Finland".

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