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2. Dr Kasirye-Alemu, welcomed the delegates to Uganda and indicated that the 14th Session of the CCAFRICA was a milestone in the development of Uganda and in her strive to overcome poverty by addressing issues of food quality through the implementation of standards for both food for exports and local consumption. Welcoming statements were also made by:

Mr Qureshi , the FAO Representative in Uganda;
Dr Oladapo Walker, WHO Representative to Uganda
Dr. Abel Rwendeire, the Minister of State for Industry and Technology.
3. Prof. Edward Rugumayo, the Minister of Tourism, Trade and Industry on behalf of His

Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda, Mr. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni opened the session and pointed out that the Codex world-wide process presented the forum for countries to participate in the elaboration of standards and that the implementation of standards allowed them to benefit from world trade.

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