FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - EC (13 February)

EC (13 February)

In the EC, the 2000 autumn conditions were generally unfavourable for winter grain planting and the area sown overall for the 2001 harvest is expected to have declined. The bulk of the decline is expected in wheat as, in addition to weather problems, a switch of land to feed cereals and oilseed crops is expected this year in anticipation of increased demand from the feed industry following the ban on the use of meat and bone meal. Significant reductions in winter wheat area are reported in France and the United Kingdom, which are likely to more than offset increases reported in some other countries, namely Austria, Germany and Sweden. One positive feature of the autumn period in 2000 was above-normal temperatures, which favoured good establishment of crops so yield prospects at this stage could be somewhat above average.

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