FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - AUSTRALIA (13 February)

AUSTRALIA (13 February)

In Australia, the recently completed 2000 winter wheat harvest is now officially estimated at 21.2 million tonnes, slightly up from the previous forecast but nevertheless still considerably below the 1999 crop of 25 million tonnes. Reduced yields in Western Australia and Queensland, due to dry weather, more than offset bumper crops in some other regions. Output of winter coarse grains (mostly barley and oats), recovered from the reduced level in 1999 due to increased plantings but remained below the average of the past five years. Aggregate coarse grains output in 2000 is estimated at 9.5 million tonnes, about 10 percent up from the previous year�s reduced crop. Early prospects for the summer 2001 coarse grain crops (mostly sorghum), which have recently been planted are somewhat unfavourable because of dry conditions and the final area sown is likely to be reduced. Planting of the 2001 season rice is progressing and Government reports indicate that the planted area could expand by 19 percent.

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