FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - BURKINA FASO (5 February)

BURKINA FASO (5 February)

Seasonably dry conditions prevail. Off-season crops are generally developing satisfactorily. Final 2000 production figures have been released by the government and are significantly lower than the estimates of the FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission in October 2000 which was pointing already to a below-average harvest.

Following this reduced crop, the overall food supply situation will tighten in several areas, notably in the north, the centre and the east where cereal production decreased significantly. The return of Burkinabé from Côte d’Ivoire to their villages is also putting additional pressure on food supply. However, some household stocks are still available following 1999 record crop and transfers from surplus to deficit areas are possible. During recent cereal exchange markets ("bourses de céréales"), the offer remained well above demand. Prices of cereals remained generally stable in January and below the 1995-99 average. A food supply assessment mission is scheduled to identify most vulnerable zones and assistance needs. In the north, the Government has recently launched a livestock relief programme based on drilling supplementary wells and making adequate feed available to ensure the survival of the animals.

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