FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - BRAZIL (2 February)

BRAZIL (2 February)

Land is being prepared for wheat planting in April/May. Maize planting was delayed in east-central Brazil because of reduced soil moisture, but latest reports indicate that the total area cultivated increased by 10 per cent relative to last year’s. The first season maize crop, which accounts for up to 90 percent of total maize production, is benefiting from good weather conditions in the largest producing state of Paraná and elsewhere in central-south Brazil. No estimates are yet available for the area to be planted in the second season maize crop. The area currently planted with paddy is estimated at 3.55 million hectares, which is somewhat smaller than last year because of credit constraints and low international prices for rice and total production is currently forecast to remain at last year’s level of some 11.4 million tonnes.

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