FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - CROATIA (13 February)

CROATIA (13 February)

The early outlook is uncertain. The 2000 drought persisted into the autumn delaying winter cereal plantings, which are planned to be less than last year. Precipitation has improved since December but the intensity of crop development is less than last year, when the wheat harvest reached bumper 1.08 million tonnes. The area to be sown to spring crops overall is to be reduced somewhat, but that to be sown to maize is targeted to increase to 386 000 hectares, from 361 000 hectares in 2000 to help replenish maize supplies after the drought reduced harvest in 2000 of only 1.5 million tonnes, compared to 2.1 million tonnes in 1999. Despite the poor harvests, quantities of maize are being exported to neighbouring Bosnia Herzegovina. The country also plans to export about 200 000 tonnes of wheat in 2000/01.

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