FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - MADAGASCAR (2 February)

MADAGASCAR (2 February)

Good rains in the second and third dekads of January benefited the 2001 rice crop, negatively affected by dry weather early in the month. The overall prospects for the paddy harvest starting from April are favourable; however more rains are needed in the extreme north and other localized areas where rains have been erratic. By contrast, in southern maize growing areas, dry weather in the last two dekads of January has stressed the developing maize crops. If more rains are not received soon, the harvest is likely to be reduced for the second consecutive year. The southern areas were affected by a severe drought that resulted in a one- quarter decline of the maize output last year.

The national food supply situation is tight following the poor 2000 rice crop and sharply increased import requirements. In southern parts, food assistance is required for 240 000 vulnerable people who gathered a poor harvest last season.

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