FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - MEXICO (2 February)

MEXICO (2 February)

Wheat crops are developing normally, and a slight increase could be expected due partly to an expansion in the area cultivated and partly to the cool February weather conditions that are favouring the heading. The dry weather is also favouring land preparation for the forthcoming first season coarse grain to be planted in April/May. Planting intentions of sorghum are expected to remain at last year’s 1.15 million hectares.

Wheat imports for marketing year 2000/01 (July/June) are expected to increase slightly to some 2.7 million tonnes. Sorghum imports are forecast to increase in the same period by approximately 200 000 tonnes due of a strong demand from the feed industry. Rice imports in marketing year 2000 (January/December) were expected to decrease slightly.

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