FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - MOROCCO (5 February)

MOROCCO (5 February)

Growing conditions have been generally favourable so far for the 2000/01 crops with normal to above normal rains received over most growing areas, with the exception of the south and parts of the centre. However, the area planted to cereals, reported at 3.4 million hectares at the beginning of the year, including 270 000 hectares of irrigated areas, is so far below the five year average, largely as a result of inadequate rainfall in the southern areas. More timely rains will be needed in the coming months for crops to reach maturity. Cereal production in 2000 is estimated at about 2 million tonnes, 53 percent of last year's below average crop, as a result of adverse weather conditions during the second half of the growing season. Consequently, imports of wheat in 2000/01 (July/June) are forecast to increase to about 3.2 million tonnes, some 14 percent above last year�s level.

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