FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - NICARAGUA (2 February)

NICARAGUA (2 February)

A prolonged summer dry spell (canícula) and heavy rains and flooding in October are affecting the 2000/01 coarse grains crops. While the overall sorghum and bean losses may not appear significant, these occurred in areas that had, in recent years, been hit by natural disasters (El Niño and Hurricane "Mitch"). However, harvesting of the 2000/01 third season "apante" maize and bean crops is progressing under normal weather conditions. Paddy crops were also affected by canícula, and year 2000 production is likely to decrease from last year’s record level but would still remain above average.

Wheat imports for marketing year 2000/01 (July/June) are estimated at some 100 000 tonnes, similar to the previous year. Maize imports are expected to increase slightly, some 10 000 tonnes, mainly to compensate for the drought induced losses in production. Rice imports for marketing year 2000 (January/December) are estimated at 95 000 tonnes.

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