FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 02/01 - SWAZILAND (5 February)

SWAZILAND (5 February)

The outlook for the 2001 cereal crop has deteriorated. Prolonged dry weather during most of January stressed the developing maize crop. Rains resumed in early February but may have arrived too late to prevent reductions in yields. An assessment of the crop damage caused by the dry spell is not yet available.

The overall food supply situation is tight reflecting the flood-reduced cereal harvest of last year and commercial imports during marketing year 2000/01 (April/March) well below requirements. In particular, serious food difficulties are being experienced by 14 000 people who experienced crop failure last season and are in need of food aid until the next harvest. The Government has appealed for international assistance to help the affected population.

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