FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - VIET NAM (26 March)

VIET NAM (26 March)

Harvesting of winter spring rice has begun in the south and will commence shortly in the north. Generally, in the north the crop is planted in January to March for harvest in June/July, whilst in the south planting and harvesting are around a month earlier. In view of weaker rice prices cropped area has declined. Consequently to stimulate production and replenish stocks, the Government recently introduced a floor paddy procurement price. The minimum price has been set at 1 300 dong ($1=VND14 536) a kilogram. Other measures to stimulate production include the postponement of first- half year agricultural taxes from rice farmers till the end of June.

Due to a slow down in rice trade in the world market, rice export revenues were lower in 2000 than anticipated. Compared to a revised target of 3.8 million tonnes some 3.7 million tonnes were exported. The 2001 rice export target has been set at 4 million tonnes.

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