FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - ARGENTINA (22 March)

ARGENTINA (22 March)

Land preparation has started for the autumn planting of wheat crops in Argentina. Planting intentions for year 2001 are forecast to increase slightly due to the expectation of moderate wheat price increases in the forthcoming months. Harvesting of coarse grains started in March, and the outlook is favourable thanks to the abundant rains that fell over the central provinces throughout the summer. Maize harvest is progressing according to schedule and output is forecast to reach 15.4 million tonnes. Harvesting of paddy crops has also started in the northern provinces, and total output is expected to fall because of a reduction in the area planted. The low planting of paddy is due to increases in energy prices and a reduction in paddy prices following a decrease in the quantity demanded by Brazil.

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