FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - AUSTRALIA (2 April)


Planting of the main 2001 wheat and coarse grains crops is due to start in May. Early official forecasts indicate an increase in wheat production to some 23 million tonnes from a below average output of 21.2 million tonnes in 2000. The forecast is based on an expected increase in plantings to about 12 million hectares, and an assumption of average seasonal weather conditions, giving an average yield of about 1.9 tonnes/hectare. The winter barley crop is also forecast to increase, by about 5 percent, to reach almost 6 million tonnes. Harvest of the minor 2001 summer coarse grains crop, mainly sorghum and maize, is underway. Output of sorghum is forecast to fall significantly to about 1.5 million tonnes reflecting dry conditions at planting time. The 2001 rice harvest has started sooner than expected due to good weather during the maturation period. The 2001 rice output is forecast to reach 1.75 million tonne, more than 60 percent above last year, following a 40 percent expansion in the area to 186 000 hectares and good yield prospects.

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