FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - BOLIVIA (22 March)

BOLIVIA (22 March)

Heavy rains and drought forced the government to declare most of the country a natural disaster area in February. Food aid and preventing measures of epidemic outbreaks are currently being provided by the international community. The heavy rain that fell over the country since January in the “altiplano” region (highlands) overflowed the banks of the rivers causing localized floods in La Paz, Cochabamba, Potosí and Beni. Santa Cruz is now suffering from floods and landslides in the Chaco region that previously was being hit by drought. The crops affected include maize, rice, wheat and tubers. Road damages have complicated the supply of food, and a rapid escalation of food prices has been observed in some local markets. The government is currently assessing the damage on cereal production, and preliminary reports indicate that the crop area affected is about 7 per cent of the total planted. The outlook in terms of total food production is yet uncertain because the rains also benefited food crops in some highlands and valleys, where early harvests are yielding higher than average. Food aid pledges amount to 69 000 tonnes, of which 65 000 tonnes have been delivered.

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