FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - BULGARIA (3 April)

BULGARIA (3 April)

Latest indications for the 2001 cereal crops suggest that a partial recovery from the previous season’s reduced output could be possible but much will depend on the weather during the remainder of the season. The winter wheat area is officially estimated at some 1.2 million hectares, up about 12 percent from the previous season, while the barley area is also estimated up at about 250 000 hectares. The increase is largely attributed to farmers’ preference to plant the relatively more drought resistant winter crops, rather than spring maize, under the current dry conditions. Preparations for the spring sowing are reported to already be delayed by persisting dry conditions and latest official forecasts point to an 8.5 percent reduction in the maize area to about 500 000 hectares. However, if rainfall returns to normal levels for the remainder of the season, maize yields could recover greatly from last years sharply reduced levels and the overall output could increase.

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