FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - CAPE VERDE (27 March)

CAPE VERDE (27 March)

Seasonably dry conditions prevail. The 2000 maize production has been estimated by a joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission at 18 500 tonnes, which is significantly below the 1999 record crop but remains well above average.

Following two successive good harvests, the overall food supply situation is satisfactory. However, local production covers only about a quarter of consumption requirement and the country relies on imports and food aid to cover its needs. With available stocks and planned commercial imports and food aid for the coming months, markets should remain well supplied with stable prices. The cereal import requirement for the 2000/01 marketing year (November/October) is estimated at 88 000 tonnes and the food aid requirement at 53 000 tonnes.

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