FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - INDONESIA* (21 March)

INDONESIA* (21 March)

Seasonal rain in March further improved soil moisture for main season rice in the main producing province of Java, but resulted in localized flooding in parts. The main rice crop is planted in the period November to January for harvest from April.

Paddy production for the 2000 calendar year was around 51 million tonnes, some 2 percent above last year and some 4 percent above the five-year average. Higher production is attributed to a long wet season and only minor incidences of pests and disease. The area harvested remained around an average 11.5 million hectares.

The overall food situation in the country continues to stabilise, following the economic crisis in 1997/1998, which was also compounded by a poor agricultural year due to El Ni�o. As a result of good domestic production and ample stocks, Indonesia, the world�s leading rice importer, has announced that it would not import rice in 2001. However, concerns persist for the food and humanitarian situation in parts of the country affected by violent civil disturbances.

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