FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - KAZAKHSTAN (22 March)


The bulk of cereals are sown as of May, with winter crops accounting for only 0.5 million hectares. The spring planting target is 11.7 million hectares to be sown to cereals and output is targeted at 11.6 million tonnes.

The 2000 official estimate of the 2000 harvest is 11.6 million tonnes of cereals and pulses, in cleaned weight, including 9.1 million tonnes of wheat. This is less than the previous year’s bumper harvest of 14 million tonnes but will still allow the country to cover domestic requirements and export between 4-5 million tonnes of cereals. Cereal exports have totalled 2.3 million tonnes in the first six months of the 2000/01 marketing year.

The country exported nearly 7 million tonnes of cereals in 1999/2000 including 6 million tonnes of wheat, mainly to other CIS countries.

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