FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - MALAWI (27 March)

MALAWI (27 March)

Continuous heavy rains in February and March resulted in serious floods in 13 of the country’s 27 districts, particularly in southern areas along the Shire River. Official reports indicate that 200 000 people are displaced due to the floods and 346 000 have been affected in varying degrees. It is estimated that 50 000 hectares of crops have been lost to the floods. The Government has appealed for international assistance to cope with the disaster. WFP plans to distribute emergency food aid to 275 000 people. However, persistent rains are hampering distributions. Many areas are inaccessible as a result of damage to roads and bridges

Prospects for the 2001 cereal crops have deteriorated with the excessive rains of the past months that are likely to have reduced yields. A dry spell and high temperatures in January in some southern districts, mainly Balaka, Zomba and Mwanza, also negatively affected yields in these areas. Latest forecast point to a maize crop of 2.15 million tonnes, 14 percent below the bumper harvest of last year, but still above average.

The overall food supply situation is satisfactory reflecting last year's good harvest and adequate stocks. Also at household level the food security situation is reported to be generally satisfactory.

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