FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - NICARAGUA (21 March)

NICARAGUA (21 March)

Following the damage caused by Hurricane “Mitch” in late 1998, government’s efforts to diminish food insecurity in rural areas were blocked by last year’s drought and low world coffee prices. However, recent apante harvest (third season crop) brings a sign of recovery, for its output is estimated to be average. Official sources indicate that the normal weather is favouring apante crops, which account for two thirds of bean and one third of maize total outputs. The area of apante beans harvested was revised upwards to some 75 000 hectares from an earlier estimate of 70 000 hectares. Land is currently being prepared for the forthcoming first season maize crop to be planted with the arrival of the rains in April, and normal weather conditions should produce a higher output in 2001 (about 320 000 tonnes) than the approximately 290 000 tonnes harvested last year.

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