FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 04/01 - UGANDA (27 March)

UGANDA (27 March)

Harvesting of the 2000/01 second season cereal crops is completed. The output is expected to be above average, reflecting well distributed rains during the season. Rains in February have allowed land preparation and planting of the 2001 main season crop in most areas. The medium term forecast for March to May 2001 predicts an above-normal rainfall over southern Uganda but a near-normal to below-normal rainfall over northern parts.

The output of the main season crop, harvested from the middle of 2000, was below average due to drought and erratic rains in various parts of the country. Cereal production in 2000 is estimated to be about 12 percent below average at 1.6 million tonnes.

The overall food supply situation is satisfactory. However, the situation remains precarious in districts of Gulu, Kitgum, Bundibugyo, and parts of Kasese and Kabarole, mainly due to last year�s poor harvest and/or insecurity. WFP�s food assistance benefits an estimated 1.1 million IDPs, refugees, and drought- affected people in the country.

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